Welcome To My Blog!

Hello, this is my blog, I originally made this blog for my CP English class; however, I will try to post as often as I can about some of my interesting life experiences. I enjoy playing guitar, and I love rock music. I will try to review some music that I listen to (or complain about music I hate a.k.a. pop music). Well thanks for visiting If you have the time please comment on my posts, ok bye.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Memorial Day Weekend

I had an exciting vacation where many interesting things took place. The first thing me and my friends did was we went to see Iron Man in theaters what an epic movie there were so many explosions and there was such a good ending. Then the next night I went to my friend's house and we played video games. then the next day I had work at the tennis courts where I get payed for sitting in a gazebo and playing guitar and occasionally cleaning up the courts and checking peoples' tennis badges, its quite an eventful job. then finally on thursday i spent the day renting movies and watching them at home, I watched Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, and I must say what an awful movie it tried to be funny but it was just garbage I almost fell asleep trying to get to the end of it. the other movie I watched that day was 30 Days of Night which was insane vampires killed an entire own and there were 7 survivors trying to hide from them it was crazy! Anyways thats all of my vacation that I can remember see you later.

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