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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sources For My Final Project

Source 1: Business, Friel B. "Management Matters." Government Executive Feb. 2007: 69+. EBSCO. EBSCO. 6 May 2008. Keyword: Tom Friedman's the World is Flat.
THis article addresses how the book the World is Flat is beneficial to the business student and how it can truly be applied to todays world and the book addresses very real problems with business today. I chose to use this article in my final essay because I think it will show that The World is Flat is truly worthy to be added to the student book list.

Source 2: Kirkland, Rik. "Will the U.S. Be Flattened by a Flatter World?" Fortune 27 June 2005: 19-20. EBSCO. EBSCO. 8 May 2008.
This article discusses the book the World is Flat and it reviews the book praising the author for bringing the problems of outsourcing to the country's attention. I chose this article because I intend to use quotes from it to further support my point.

Source 3: Shister, Neil. "INSIDE WORLD TRADE." World Trade July 2005: 6+. EBSCO. Masterfile Premier. 8 May 2008.
This article informs the US public about outsourcing and why large corporations use it instead of hiring people locally to do the same jobs. I intend to use quotes from this article to show that outsourcing is a real problem and that high school students should be educated about the business world they will later be thrown into.

Source 4: Levine, M B. "The House on Mango Street." The Library Reviews 25 Aug. 2007. EBSCO. Masterfile Premier. 8 May 2008.
This article is a review of The House on Mango Street a coming of Age tale that is currently in our schools cirriculum. I chose this article as one of my sources because it is a review of the book I am going to take out of our school curriculum and I intend to use this review to compare both novels to show the novel I chose is better fit to be a part of our required reading.

Source 5:"The Future of Outsourcing." Business Week 30 Jan. 2006. 8 May 2008 .
This article talks about the future of outsourcing, the focus of the book I am suggesting in my essay. I believe that it will be a crucial part of my research because I can quote showing the important of knowledge on the subject.

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