It’s that time again when we have to post about a topic that our teacher gives so here it goes. This week we examined feminism, specifically feminism in today’s world and in the time period Macbeth is set in. Today’s feminist movement consists of trying to get equal pay for women because in some workplaces women are paid less than men, this does not happen too often but wherever there is some sort of issue there is always a group of people who will support the cause until they get the issue resolved. Another focus feminist groups have today is creating a positive image of a woman that young girls could look up to and aspire to be. In today’s world of hip hop and rap music, women are viewed as possessions more than people and feminist groups are certainly looking to change this. Also another problem is the
role models' girls have today are tainted in some ways, such as Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Both are spoiled women who have no direction in life, this is not setting a good example for young women, so many feminist groups protest when they see that some rapper is objectifying a woman, or feminists try to replace the negative role models in today’s society. In my opinion I think feminist groups have every right to protest the
objectification of women , because if a woman is viewed as an object in today’s day and age then we haven’t really improved on how we treated women since the 1700’s.

Lady Macbeth is a very strong woman and she uses her marriage to Macbeth to control his actions and she eventually convinces him to kill the king and she eventually corrupts him. Lady Macbeth is and absolute horrible example of a positive role model for women. She lies, she cheats the ones she supposedly loves, she supports ideas of backstabbing and murder, she is the exact opposite of what you want your child to become. Lady Macbeth although very powerful, she obtains her power in an ill-gotten manner and not only that, but she uses her power in a negative way.
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