Throughout Macbeth guilt is a major theme, a lot of people in the book feel guilt and their actins are fueled by it. We see an example of this after Macbeth has his best friend Banquo murdered, the ghost of Banquo shows up to Macbeth’s feast along with King Duncan’s ghost and haunts him as his guilt does. This guilt then makes him do even more irrational things such as have Macduff’s family killed because he notices that Macduff could finally expose him for who he really is. Also guilt overcame Lady Macbeth when we learn she has died and we the readers’ assume that she took her own life. The guilt of knowing she had a part in killing another human being finally over came her and she couldn’t handle that feeling anymore apparently. Guilt is a very powerful theme in this novel and it’s effects can be seen on several different characters.
Guilt is a very prominent theme in Macbeth but it is also seen in real life, this is seen in Rafael Robb's case when he resigned from his post at the University of Pennsylvania after admitting he killed his wife. He murdered her after they had a fight and he recently admitted to it and resigned from his position. Clearly in this case his guilt finally got him and he had to admit he had killed his wife, therefore guilt is a very powerful thing if it makes you admit horrible crimes you have committed. In Macbeth, Macbeth himself has been changed by things he has done in order to get in his position of great power. Deep down inside I’m sure Macbeth still feels very guilty for killing his friend and his king, and it seems now that he feel even more guilt for the death of his wife which now is causing him to lose the desire to live.
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